Team members bring diverse backgrounds and deep experience in both infrastructure and equities markets to our funds.
This paper outlines the key challenges for EV acceptance, analyses the rollout of EV charging infrastructure around the world, and considers practical ideas for investors to super-charge the uptake of EV.
Responsible Listed Infrastructure interview - Square Mile and Rebecca Myatt
The Fund’s investable universe includes utilities, toll roads, railroads, airports, energy infrastructure, mobile towers and data centres. These assets have high barriers to entry, effective pricing power, sustainable growth and predictable cash flows. Within this space, we seek companies that are contributing to sustainable development within a framework of good corporate governance.
Rebecca Sherlock, Global Listed Infrastructure Portfolio Manager, discusses the energy trilemma of trying to balance affordability, sustainability and reliability when we set energy policy.
Rebecca Sherlock, Global Listed Infrastructure Portfolio Manager, delves into the missing jigsaw piece in the transition to a clean energy economy.
We consider ESG risks to be factors that may place business value at risk. Companies at risk are identified using both external providers and our own internally driven research, which is based on a systematic and extensive company meeting program.
Proxy voting rights are an important asset for listed equity investors and exercising these rights is a core part of our stewardship responsibilities. We seek to vote on all possible resolutions at company meetings.
In this video Rebecca Sherlock, Global Listed Infrastructure Portfolio Manager, outlines actions active managers can take to influence companies
Discover our socially responsible investing approach through active ownership, ESG integration, and exclusion screening.
Ansatz für verantwortungsvolles investieren | Global Listed Infrastructure | First Sentier Investors
ESG-Angelegenheiten (Umwelt, Soziales und Unternehmensführung) gehören grundsätzlich zur Geschäftstätigkeit von Infrastrukturunternehmen, denn sie haben gegenüber den Gemeinden, in denen sie tätig sind, eine ganz besondere Verpflichtung zur Erbringung von Dienstleistungen und eine moralische Verantwortung.
First Sentier Investors Responsible Investment Regulatory disclosures and policies. SFDR, SRDII, UK Stewardship Code.
Regelmäßige Updates, Research-Papiere, Anlagestrategien und Denkanstöße von einigen der führenden Anlageexperten von First Sentier Investors
We consider ESG risks to be factors that may place business value at risk. Companies at risk are identified using both external providers and our own internally driven research, which is based on a systematic and extensive company meeting program.
Learn how we are embedding a culture of responsible investment stewardship to ensure better outcomes both financially and for society in general.
We consider ESG risks to be factors that may place business value at risk. Companies at risk are identified using both external providers and our own internally driven research, which is based on a systematic and extensive company meeting program.
First Sentier Investors ist ein aktiver Investmentmanager mit einer Vielzahl von individuellen und autonomen Investment teams, die sich für verantwortungsvolles Investieren einsetzen.
We consider ESG risks to be factors that may place business value at risk. Companies at risk are identified using both external providers and our own internally driven research, which is based on a systematic and extensive company meeting program.
We consider ESG risks to be factors that may place business value at risk. Companies at risk are identified using both external providers and our own internally driven research, which is based on a systematic and extensive company meeting program.
Climate change and global warming pose systemic risks to society and the global economy. It impacts the availability of resources, the price and structure of the energy market, the vulnerability of infrastructure and the valuation of companies.
Check the latest First Sentier Investors fund price and fund performance, keep track of funds performance and trends to help investment selections.
Each investment team has developed a climate change statement and carbon footprint report. We provide a combined footprint for all listed equity portfolios and individual listed equity team carbon footprints.
Our responsible investment strategy is founded on a strong governance framework. A key part of good governance are policies which set clear expectations for our people. Transparency is also an important component of good governance as it allows our clients and other stakeholders to hold us accountable.
We consider ESG risks to be factors that may place business value at risk. Companies at risk are identified using both external providers and our own internally driven research, which is based on a systematic and extensive company meeting program.
As investors, we know that biodiversity loss creates risks for the companies we invest in together with the broader economy, and that we need to do more to both understand and mitigate those risks.
We have collected over 130 case studies from across our diverse investment teams on how a culture of responsible investment and stewardship manifests itself in real-life investment decisions and engagement with companies.
Diversity is a business issue as well as an ethical one. There is a raft of research demonstrating that gender diversity contributes to better business and economic outcomes.
Als werteorientiertes Unternehmen setzt sich First Sentier Investors für seine Mitarbeiter, seine Kunden und die Gemeinschaft ein.
Investors, regulators and markets have an obligation to address modern slavery risks as a key aspect of their ESG obligations.
As we return to the skies for that first face-to-face meeting, reuniting with family or taking that well-deserved holiday, the airports we pass through will be markedly different to what we knew before.
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