
At AlbaCore, we focus on the long-term. As one of Europe’s leading alternative credit specialists, we invest in private capital solutions, opportunistic and dislocated credit, and structured products. 

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Specialist in Asia Pacific, China, India and South East Asia and Global Emerging Market equities.

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Our philosophy is very simple. We are constantly searching for high quality businesses and when we acquire them, we will work relentlessly with them to create long-term sustainable value through innovation, ESG-led and proactive asset management.

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Leader in active quantitative equities across Australian equities, global equities, emerging markets and global small companies.

Backed by a unique blend of research, portfolio construction and risk management, focused on uncovering original insights and translating them into investment strategies that are active and systematic, aiming to generate alpha.

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Specialists in equity portfolios in Asia Pacific, emerging markets, global and sustainable investment strategies

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Résultats de la recherche

Résultats de la recherche

Le vote est un droit et une responsabilité importante pour les investisseurs. Ce graphique indique le nombre de fois où l’équipe a voté contre les recommandations de la direction, contre celles de nos conseillers en matière de vote par procuration, ou contre les deux. Pour une ventilation détaillée de notre dossier de vote, veuillez vous reporter au Rapport de gérance.
A decade of experience in responsible investment has taught us that individuals and the wider industry’s views on sustainability/ESG are constantly evolving.
We consider ESG risks to be factors that may place business value at risk. Companies at risk are identified using both external providers and our own internally driven research, which is based on a systematic and extensive company meeting program.
We consider ESG risks to be factors that may place business value at risk. Companies at risk are identified using both external providers and our own internally driven research, which is based on a systematic and extensive company meeting program.
We consider ESG risks to be factors that may place business value at risk. Companies at risk are identified using both external providers and our own internally driven research, which is based on a systematic and extensive company meeting program.
The proposed new national industry body would lead projects on behalf of members, including working together on a national strategy and targets, providing a strong voice with government, and educating consumers about appropriate disposal and recycling.
We consider ESG risks to be factors that may place business value at risk. Companies at risk are identified using both external providers and our own internally driven research, which is based on a systematic and extensive company meeting program.
We believe 2020 will prove to be a watershed year for RI. As we emerge from the pandemic, there will be an ever-increasing focus on how companies impact the world around them and how they earn their social licence to operate (SLO). A critical, intangible corporate asset, SLO refers to the broad, ongoing social acceptance that a company has a right to do business.
First Sentier Investors est un gestionnaire d’investissement actif qui compte diverses équipes d’investissement individuelles et autonomes. Ces équipes partagent un engagement : l’investissement responsable.
We consider ESG risks to be factors that may place business value at risk. Companies at risk are identified using both external providers and our own internally driven research, which is based on a systematic and extensive company meeting program.
En tant qu’investisseurs à long terme, nous savons que les décisions d’investissement que nous prenons aujourd’hui impactent les communautés à l’avenir.
This paper outlines the key challenges for EV acceptance, analyses the rollout of EV charging infrastructure around the world, and considers practical ideas for investors to super-charge the uptake of EV.
L’objectif de First Sentier Investors (FSI) est d’assurer la réussite des investissements durables pour nos clients et collaborateus, ainsi que pour la société et nos actionnaires.
Nous pensons que la société dans son ensemble doit réduire considérablement ses émissions de gaz à effet de serre. C’est le seul moyen d’éviter les pires conséquences de la crise climatique.
RQI Investors has a dedicated team of portfolio managers and analysts responsible for the research, construction, portfolio management, trading and institutional sales and service of its underlying investment strategies.
Nous avons recueilli auprès de nos diverses équipes d’investissement plus de 130 études de cas sur la manière dont une culture d’investissement et de gestion responsables se manifeste sous forme de décisions d’investissement concrètes et de dialogue avec les entreprises.
Les enjeux ESG sont cruciaux pour les sociétés d’infrastructure, étant donné que ces dernières ont des obligations de service et une responsabilité morale importantes envers les communautés dans lesquelles elles opèrent.
Check the latest First Sentier Investors fund price and fund performance, keep track of funds performance and trends to help investment selections.
The Fund’s investable universe includes utilities, toll roads, railroads, airports, energy infrastructure, mobile towers and data centres. These assets have high barriers to entry, effective pricing power, sustainable growth and predictable cash flows. Within this space, we seek companies that are contributing to sustainable development within a framework of good corporate governance.
First Sentier Investors a l'ambition de réduire les émissions de gaz à effet de serre dans l'ensemble de nos portefeuilles d'investissement, conformément à un objectif de zéro émissions nettes d'ici 2050 (ou avant), ainsi que dans l'ensemble de nos activités professionnelles, conformément à un objectif de neutralité carbone d'ici 2030 (ou avant).
Mises à jour régulières des nouvelles, documents de recherche, mises à jour de la stratégie d'investissement et réflexions de certains des principaux experts en investissement de First Sentier Investors.
Dialling down carbon intensity in portfolios could have less of an impact on risk and return than some might think, but the impact will vary depending on the sectors, styles and regions investors are weighted towards. Globally oriented investors can potentially reduce carbon intensity with a small addition of tracking error, but those wanting to address carbon intensity with a high exposure to Australian stocks might find it more difficult.
La diversité, l’équité et l’inclusion sont essentielles pour construire des organisations, des institutions et des communautés justes et équitables. L'intégration de personnes ayant des compétences, des expériences de vie et des opinions différentes présente de nombreux avantages pour les entreprises. Nous pensons également que la création d'organisations diversifiées et inclusives est la voie à suivre.
First Sentier Investors (FSI), l'un des principaux gestionnaires d'investissements mondiaux, a nommé Kate Turner au poste de Directrice mondiale de l'Investissement Responsable (IR) et a renforcé son équipe IR avec quatre nouvelles nominations.
Les principes d’investissement responsable sont à la base de notre approche d’investissement.
The cascading impacts of climate change and society’s overexploitation of the land and sea is giving rise to unprecedented devastation of nature and biodiversity. In the last 50 years, there has been a devastating 69% drop in wildlife populations[1]. The unfolding crisis is risking the very foundations of our economy, society and life itself, impacting humankind’s food security and access to clean water and air.
First Sentier Investors (FSI), l'un des principaux gestionnaires d’actifs mondiaux, lance aujourd'hui un guide sur la nature et la biodiversité. Ce guide permettra aux investisseurs institutionnels d’identifier et d’évaluer la matérialité et la gestion des risques en matière de nature et de biodiversité des sociétés détenues en portefeuille.
Les questions relatives aux droits humains sont encore largement mal comprises par de nombreuses parties prenantes, y compris les investisseurs. FSI a commencé à travailler officiellement sur la question des droits humains en 2016, en créant un groupe de travail sur les droits humains composé de membres des équipes d’investissement. Cela a donné lieu à la création d’une Boîte à outils sur les droits humains.
People are are at the heart of our success as a leading global asset manager
We believe financial markets, critical to society’s ability to function, are under threat. For too long, it has been widely accepted that short-term performance, growth, risks and financial returns should be maximised at the expense of environmental and social outcomes.
First Sentier Investors (FSI), gestionnaire d'investissement mondial de premier plan, annonce aujourd'hui l’obtention de la certification B Corp (B Corporation), une certification mondiale octroyée aux entreprises répondant à des normes élevées en matière de performance sociale et environnementale, de transparence et de responsabilité.
Our responsible investment strategy is founded on a strong governance framework. A key part of good governance are policies which set clear expectations for our people. Transparency is also an important component of good governance as it allows our clients and other stakeholders to hold us accountable.
Une contribution positive au changement climatique grâce au Crédit mondial.
La nature est le fondement même de notre économie, de la société et de la vie elle-même.
Global asset management group focused on providing high quality, long-term investment capabilities to clients. We bring together independent teams of active, specialist investors who share a common commitment to responsible investment principles.
Discover how our equity managers with one of Australia's longest track records provide capital and income growth by investing in the Australian share market.
Stabilising the climate will require strong, rapid, and sustained reductions in greenhouse gas emissions, and reaching net zero CO2 emissions.
As we return to the skies for that first face-to-face meeting, reuniting with family or taking that well-deserved holiday, the airports we pass through will be markedly different to what we knew before.