
AlbaCore investiert in Private Capital Solutions, Opportunistic und Dislocated Credit sowie strukturierte Produkte und verwaltet Vermögenswerte im Auftrag von globalen Pensionsfonds, Staatsfonds, Consultants, Versicherungsgesellschaften, Family Offices und Stiftungen in aller Welt.

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Auf der Grundlage von fundamentalem Unternehmensresearch analysieren FSSA Investment Managers den Asien-Pazifik-Raum und die Schwellenländer eingehend, um in hochwertige Unternehmen zu investieren, die das Potenzial für eine langfristige Outperformance bieten. 

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Wir sind einer der weltweit größten Investoren in Infrastrukturanlagen. Dank unserer Reichweite und unseres Know-hows haben wir Zugang zu einigen der attraktivsten Infrastrukturprojekte weltweit und können unseren Anlegern nachhaltige, langfristige Investitionsrenditen bieten.

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Unser firmeneigener quantitativer Aktienansatz basiert auf bewährten Daten in Kombination mit der disziplinierten Anwendung aussagekräftiger wirtschaftlicher Fundamentaldaten, um die Anlageperformance zu verbessern.

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Wir sind ein kleines Team leidenschaftlicher Investoren, das im Auftrag unserer Kunden Anlageportfolios verwaltet, deren Schwerpunkt auf hochwertigen Unternehmen liegt, die gut positioniert sind, um zu einer nachhaltigen Entwicklung beizutragen und davon zu profitieren.

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RQI Investors

RQI Investors

Welcome to RQI Investors

We are RQI Investors, an Australian-based active quantitative global equities investor with a track record of over 15 years.

We build portfolios using quantitative signals based on our team's insights and market experience exploiting inefficiencies to systematically select stocks from a broad universe.

In a world of commodified data, our approach is different. We see our universe as a constellation of ideas. Recognising that, like the universe, ideas are limitless.

Our goal is to zero in on the ones that we believe can deliver an edge, backed by our own unique blend of people, insights, research, portfolio construction and risk management.

Steady conviction that drives evolution and builds trust

In 2008, we had faith in our different approach and launched despite the market chaos. We have evolved into a fully-fledged global quantitative investment manager backed by the trust of our clients who’ve stayed with us from those early days.

An exceptionally qualified, agile team

Energised and collaborative, our culture is built on humility. We focus on clients and performance and have an ownership mindset that is powered by multiple expert perspectives. It’s the kind of chemistry that drives us to create and deliver sustainable investment outcomes.

Insights that deliver for our clients

Idea-driven and constantly questioning, our team’s focus is uncovering original insights and translating them into investment strategies that are active and systematic, aiming to outperform the benchmark i.e. achieve alpha. How? By looking for certain characteristics generally unseen by the broader market.

Why invest in RQI Investors?

Insightfully invested with over 15 years’ experience in quantitative equities.

  • A disciplined approach to our research, investment process and portfolio construction that aims to outperform respective benchmarks whilst managing risk.

  • We offer innovative quantitative investing strategies that span a broad range of markets, including developed and emerging market equities, global small companies, and Australian large and small companies.

  • We benefit from global resources as part of the First Sentier Investors Group, across dealing, compliance, middle office, and sales and client service.

Our history

Responsible investment

Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) research has been and continues to be a strategic initiative for RQI Investors. As a manager of quantitative investment strategies, the degree to which ESG considerations are incorporated varies across strategies, but in all cases, investment stewardship considerations are paramount.

We have undertaken a significant amount of research on systematically integrating ESG considerations into portfolios using our extensive database of ESG data, licensed from third parties. This research has been used to refine our investment process.

Specifically, RQI Investors integrates ESG considerations into our portfolios via Exclusions, Risk Controls, Alphas and Stewardship.

Meet the investment team

Andrew Francis

Chief Executive

Dr David Walsh

Head of Investment

Dr Joanna Nash

Senior Quant Portfolio Manager and Head of Portfolio Management

Dr Ron Guido

Senior Quant Portfolio Manager and Head of Alpha Research

Want to know more?

Contact your Relationship Manager