
AlbaCore investiert in Private Capital Solutions, Opportunistic und Dislocated Credit sowie strukturierte Produkte und verwaltet Vermögenswerte im Auftrag von globalen Pensionsfonds, Staatsfonds, Consultants, Versicherungsgesellschaften, Family Offices und Stiftungen in aller Welt.

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Auf der Grundlage von fundamentalem Unternehmensresearch analysieren FSSA Investment Managers den Asien-Pazifik-Raum und die Schwellenländer eingehend, um in hochwertige Unternehmen zu investieren, die das Potenzial für eine langfristige Outperformance bieten. 

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Wir sind einer der weltweit größten Investoren in Infrastrukturanlagen. Dank unserer Reichweite und unseres Know-hows haben wir Zugang zu einigen der attraktivsten Infrastrukturprojekte weltweit und können unseren Anlegern nachhaltige, langfristige Investitionsrenditen bieten.

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Unser firmeneigener quantitativer Aktienansatz basiert auf bewährten Daten in Kombination mit der disziplinierten Anwendung aussagekräftiger wirtschaftlicher Fundamentaldaten, um die Anlageperformance zu verbessern.

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Wir sind ein kleines Team leidenschaftlicher Investoren, das im Auftrag unserer Kunden Anlageportfolios verwaltet, deren Schwerpunkt auf hochwertigen Unternehmen liegt, die gut positioniert sind, um zu einer nachhaltigen Entwicklung beizutragen und davon zu profitieren.

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FSSA Investment Managers Greater China equity strategies invest in quality companies in the rapidly developing Chinese market and Greater China region.
Once again, 2021 was a year full of surprises and challenges, with ongoing Covid disruptions and China turning from a global outperformer to underperformer. The Chinese government’s policy crackdowns, especially in the internet, education and property sectors, were sudden and dramatic.
The pandemic has accelerated certain long-term shifts in consumer behaviour, such as using more online orders for everything from clothing to food. The latest battleground appears to be groceries, but the disrupter emerged from a not-so-new technology — WeChat groups.
China made headlines for watering down coal reduction targets during COP261, but we think the criticism is unfair. The nation’s own targets set by President Xi Jinping last year — for peak emissions before 2030 and carbon neutrality by 2060 — are still ambitious and noteworthy considering China’s faster economic growth compared to developed countries.
What are your thoughts on the increasing regulation risk of investing in China? Firstly, regulations are nothing new — it has always been a part of the investment equation. If we look at Hong Kong or Singapore for example, the government would introduce new regulations on the property market from time to time; and in China, the government has introduced a number of new regulations for banks and insurance companies over the years.
FSSA Investment Managers Asia Pacific equity strategies offer long term investment opportunities in some of the world's most dynamic markets.
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FSSA Investment Managers (FSSA) are specialists in Asia Pacific and Global Emerging Markets equity strategies. We operate as an autonomous investment team within First Sentier Investors with a team of dedicated investment professionals based in Hong Kong, Singapore and Edinburgh
FSSA Investment Managers India equity strategies investing in one of the worlds largest and most diverse economies, carefully seeking quality companies with long term growth.
FSSA Investment Managers global emerging markets equity strategies invest in some of the world's most dynamic and diversified markets looking for growth sectors and individual companies with stable management and solid development opportunities.
In order to fully understand why Kaisa defaulted on its bonds, we first need to get a good grasp on the deleveraging policy called the three red lines. Following years of debt-fueled growth in the property sector during which home prices surged six-fold over the past 15 years, the Chinese government decided to rein in excessive credit took on by property developers to avoid Japan’s mistake in the 1990s, which eventually led to long-term damage to growth.
In almost every meeting that we have with management teams, we will ask about incentivisation. In our view, it is an important question and the answer can be highly revealing about an organisation’s culture and behaviour.
As with global automotive manufacturers, several Indian automotive original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) including Maruti Suzuki, Mahindra & Mahindra (M&M), Tata Motors and Eicher Motors have recently announced that the shortage of semiconductor supply has impacted their production schedules. This has added to the persistent challenges faced by the industry over the last few years.
Since our last update, global markets have not been short of action and the manic behaviour characterising today’s markets has taken investors on another rollercoaster ride. While not quite comparable to the market movements seen during the dark days of March 2020, the recent correction — especially in China-related companies — has been notable. Yet, from a market perspective, a sense of normality is finally starting to emerge after the more speculative phases over the past 12-18 months.
In September 2023, I met more than 30 global listed infrastructure companies and stakeholders from the UK, Europe and China. The following travel diary summarises my impressions and findings from these meetings.