FSSA Investment Managers global emerging markets equity strategies invest in some of the world's most dynamic and diversified markets looking for growth sectors and individual companies with stable management and solid development opportunities.
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End of Year Review
FSSA Investment Managers (FSSA) are specialists in Asia Pacific and Global Emerging Markets equity strategies. We operate as an autonomous investment team within First Sentier Investors with a team of dedicated investment professionals based in Hong Kong, Singapore and Edinburgh
FSSA Investment Managers Asia Pacific equity strategies offer long term investment opportunities in some of the world's most dynamic markets.
In almost every meeting that we have with management teams, we will ask about incentivisation. In our view, it is an important question and the answer can be highly revealing about an organisation’s culture and behaviour.
Mutations, it would seem, are not unique to the virus. Starting with some housekeeping, we always end our letters seeking feedback from our regular readers.
FSSA Investment Managers India equity strategies investing in one of the worlds largest and most diverse economies, carefully seeking quality companies with long term growth.
FSSA Investment Managers Greater China equity strategies invest in quality companies in the rapidly developing Chinese market and Greater China region.
Since our last update, global markets have not been short of action and the manic behaviour characterising today’s markets has taken investors on another rollercoaster ride. While not quite comparable to the market movements seen during the dark days of March 2020, the recent correction — especially in China-related companies — has been notable. Yet, from a market perspective, a sense of normality is finally starting to emerge after the more speculative phases over the past 12-18 months.
First Sentier Investors (FSI), ein führender globaler Vermögensverwalter, gab heute das Ergebnis einer Überprüfung seiner bestehenden Anlagekapazitäten anhand seiner Strategie bekannt.
Investing in Asian Fixed Income offers the potential for strong returns, an attractive income stream and diversification benefits versus developed markets.
There were a number of structural trends leading up to the Covid pandemic that were all very well understood. And the pandemic has given rise to some newer emerging trends. And what is central to the majority of these trends is the rapid advancement and continued adoption of technology which is driving societal change.
Leveraging our recent paper, ‘Reducing carbon intensity in portfolios: Better news than you think’, which analysed the investment impact of reducing carbon exposure versus the benchmark; we turn our attention to how we can reduce carbon risk in our Value strategies. This aligns with our commitment to reducing carbon exposure across our strategies.
2024 was a good year for global listed infrastructure. Strong earnings for energy midstream and a step-change in the earnings growth outlook for utilities helped the asset class to shrug off rising bond yields and political uncertainty.
Over the last decade the electricity sector has been at the forefront of decarbonisation, ahead of transport, industry and agriculture.
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