
At Stewart Investors, we believe in putting people first. Our investment world-view is of a series of partnerships – with each other, with our clients, with the companies we invest in, the people who buy their goods and services, and with the wider society in which we all live and work.

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Deputy Head of Global Listed Infrastructure, Andrew Greenup, tells Livewire the most compelling reasons for investors to consider listed infrastructure as part of their portfolios, some common misconceptions, and shares a high conviction stock pick; the world's largest renewables owner.
We look for companies increasing the share of renewables in the global energy mix by decarbonising power generation assets and investing in electric vehicle infrastructure.” First Sentier Investors Global Listed Infrastructure Portfolio Manager Rebecca Sherlock believes the world’s largest infrastructure assets can make the most meaningful progress in achieving net zero.
"What we do well by being global is recognising trends that are happening in one part of the world, and seeing that as an opportunity in another part." Peter Meany, Head of Global Listed Infrastructure, discusses global trends in infrastructure assets with Graham Hand from FirstLinks.
The Sustainability Report interviews portfolio manager Rebecca Myatt about the companies reducing their emissions in the global listed infrastructure universe.
For infrastructure companies, looking after all stakeholders is a fundamental part of honouring their social license to operate. How companies behave, especially during challenging times, gives tremendous insight into their overall commitment to social responsibility. In this video, Rebecca Myatt, Portfolio Manager Global Listed Infrastructure discusses; • How Infrastructure companies are honouring their commitment to stakeholders and wider society. • Why the payment of dividends is not a one size fits all approach • How investment in infrastructure can play a role in economic recovery post COVID-19
In this video Rebecca Sherlock, Global Listed Infrastructure Portfolio Manager, outlines actions active managers can take to influence companies
Rebecca Sherlock, Global Listed Infrastructure Portfolio Manager, delves into the missing jigsaw piece in the transition to a clean energy economy.
Rebecca Sherlock, Global Listed Infrastructure Portfolio Manager, discusses the energy trilemma of trying to balance affordability, sustainability and reliability when we set energy policy.
Team members bring diverse backgrounds and deep experience in both infrastructure and equities markets to our funds.
Investors are cautious on infrastructure stocks over inflation concerns, when many of these assets have done the ground work to survive and thrive in inflationary environments.
Tap into a relatively stable investments in real assets, infrastructure, property and essential services we all rely upon
The Responsible Listed Infrastructure Fund investable universe includes utilities, toll roads, railroads, airports, energy infrastructure, mobile towers and data centres. These assets have high barriers to entry, effective pricing power, sustainable growth and predictable cash flows.
Investors are cautious on infrastructure stocks over inflation concerns, when many of these assets have done the ground work to survive and thrive in inflationary environments.
Video: Infrastructure - the good, the bad and the ugly
American Listed Infrastructure (ALI) has seen a significant increase in Merger and Acquisition (M&A) activity. Private market and foreign corporate buyers are paying premiums of 25% to listed markets, often for non-controlling stakes. This M&A illustrates the intrinsic value available to investors in the ALI asset class. We expect M&A will continue for a number of years. This will deleverage balance sheets, reduce equity needs and recycle capital from non-core to core activities, thereby raising the quality of the ALI asset class.
2020 has been a remarkable year for infrastructure operators and investors, with Covid-19 abruptly changing the way we work, play and travel. Lockdowns have not been seen on this scale since World War Two, impacting short-term earnings for assets like toll roads and airports.
We recently spent several weeks in the US visiting listed infrastructure management teams, regulators, politicians, industry associations and conducting asset tours. The following paper provides an overview of our findings.
This paper asserts that macro towers will remain at the heart of a modern, mobile data communications network despite the continual development of new technologies.
Xcel Energy is a US-listed regulated utility serving 3.5 million electric and 2 million gas customers in eight Midwestern and Western states, primarily Colorado and Minnesota. We invested in the company due to its combination of strong environmental credentials, and an attractive 5-7% earnings per share growth. This growth is being driven by its investment in decarbonising its power generation assets through measures including: replacing coal with wind; grid advancement; smart meters; transmission; and electric vehicle infrastructure.
The Worldwide Leaders Sustainability invests in 40-60 high-quality global companies that are particularly well positioned to benefit from and contribute to sustainable development.
At First Sentier Investors, curiosity is at the heart of all we do. It shapes our investment philosophies, guides our investment processes and drives our distinctive, research-driven approach to investment management.
Our responsible investment strategy is founded on a strong governance framework. A key part of good governance are policies which set clear expectations for our people. Transparency is also an important component of good governance as it allows our clients and other stakeholders to hold us accountable.
We know we need to pivot our approach if we are to minimise the environmental impacts of our business operations, no matter where our offices are based. In March 2022, we announced a firm-wide target to reduce greenhouse gas emissions across our business operations in line with a target of net zero emissions by 2030 (or sooner).
We crossed six US states meeting over 70 infrastructure management teams as well as customers and suppliers at three conferences. We visited three corporate head offices, several regulators and toured the country’s largest nuclear power plant.
Curious fact. Asia is home to 60% of the world's population and 2,300 different languages
Curious fact. The first footprints on the moon will remain there for a million years
Curious fact: Enough sunlight reaches earth each hour to satisfy the world’s energy remand for a year
Curious fact. Items immersed in honey can be preserved for centuries
First Sentier Investors is the new name for First State Investments. We’ve always been renowned for our research-led active management approach. Curious to know more?
Curious fact: Enough sunlight reaches earth each hour to satisfy the world’s energy remand for a year
As investors, we know that biodiversity loss creates risks for the companies we invest in together with the broader economy, and that we need to do more to both understand and mitigate those risks.
First Sentier Investors became a globally certified B Corporation (B Corp). B Corp accreditation provides a framework that we can effectively assess our operations and gain assurance that our business is operating to high standards from an environmental, social and governance point of view, as well as to identify areas where we can enhance and improve.
We believe that organisations have legal, moral and commercial obligations to respect human rights and remediate any implications on human rights in their operations and supply chains.
The Worldwide Leaders Sustainability invests in 40-60 high-quality global companies that are particularly well positioned to benefit from and contribute to sustainable development.
Investors, regulators and markets have an obligation to address modern slavery risks as a key aspect of their ESG obligations.
People are are at the heart of our success as a leading global asset manager
We are committed to fostering an inclusive and equitable culture where diversity can thrive. We believe this will deliver better outcomes for our people, our clients and society, and it is the right thing to do.
Each investment team has developed a climate change statement and carbon footprint report. We provide a combined footprint for all listed equity portfolios and individual listed equity team carbon footprints.
Learn how we are embedding a culture of responsible investment stewardship to ensure better outcomes both financially and for society in general.
We aim to contribute to a sustainable economy and society by improving our environmental, social and governance standards. We aim to hold our own business to the same standards that we expect of the companies we invest our clients’ capital in. By doing so, we reinforce our position as responsible investors.
A new study has found that on average people could be ingesting approximately 5 grams of plastic every week, which is the equivalent weight of a credit card.
Proxy voting rights are an important asset for listed equity investors and exercising these rights is a core part of our stewardship responsibilities. We seek to vote on all possible resolutions at company meetings.
Curious fact: the rain on Saturn is made of diamonds
We are entering a new era. The year 2024 will be unpredictable and clouded by many uncertainties. It will be marked by geopolitical risks, the ongoing taming of the inflation beast, and how the US Presidential election will impact markets.
Diversity is a business issue as well as an ethical one. There is a raft of research demonstrating that gender diversity contributes to better business and economic outcomes.
Making a difference to the communities where we live, work and invest through philanthropy has been a focus for our business for over a decade. This is also an important part of our corporate value of ‘care’ to societies in which we operate. The First Sentier Foundation is our philanthropic initiative, founded in 2012 and dedicated to building sustainable lives through education.
First Sentier Investors is committed to providing a culture where all staff are encouraged to raise concerns about unacceptable practice and misconduct
With key equity markets volatile, bond yields racing to zero, central banks out of dry powder and governments consumed by politics, 2020 promises to be a year of uncertainty for investors. The one thing investors can’t ignore is the investment process.
We're driven by our Responsible Investment principles. Our commitment to RI and ESG analysis enables us to make more informed decisions that not only benefit our clients, but our environment and our society.
Global asset management group focused on providing high quality, long-term investment capabilities to clients. We bring together independent teams of active, specialist investors who share a common commitment to responsible investment principles.