2020 has been volatile for infrastructure operators and investors, with Covid-19 abruptly changing the way we work, play and travel. Movement restrictions have not been seen on this scale since World War II, impacting short-term earnings for assets like toll roads and airports.
CEO panel: The future of transport infrastructure
In this 25 minute panel session, our Head of Global Listed Infrastructure Peter Meany and Co-Head of Infrastructure Investments Australia and New Zealand Chris McArthur are joined by Westconnex CEO Andrew Head and Brisbane Airport CEO Gert-Jan de Graaff to discuss the path to recovery for transport infrastructure.
Q&A: Opportunities in listed and unlisted infrastructure
From data centres to airports, we interview our Head of Global Listed Infrastructure Peter Meany and Co-Head of Infrastructure Investments Australia and New Zealand Chris McArthur about where they are finding value and opportunity - and how they are positioning their portfolios for the future.
Important Information
This publication is provided by First Sentier Investors (Australia) IM Ltd (‘FSI’) in good faith and is designed as a summary to accompany the Product Disclosure Statement for the First Sentier Global Listed Infrastructure Fund (‘the Fund’).
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Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future performance, unit prices may go down as well as up and an investor in the Fund may not recover the full amount the capital that they invest.
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