Frequently asked questions
Direct Client of First Sentier vs Distributor client
Q1. How do I know if I am a Direct Client of First Sentier or Distributor client?
Please refer to the regular Statement of Account sent to you.
You may refer to the column “Distributor”. The name of your Distributor will be stated accordingly.
If you are a 1Distributor Client, it will state your distributor name. For example, DBS Bank Ltd, United Overseas Bank Ltd, Standard Chartered Bank, etc.
If you are a 1Direct Client of First Sentier, it will state as First Sentier Investors (Singapore).
Note to Distributor Client :
- If you have made your investment using CASH through a distributor, you will not see the cash holdings in the First Sentier statement of account. Please contact your Distributor.
- Only investments made using CPF/SRS will be captured in the First Sentier statement of account.
1Refer to Q2 to understand the difference
Q2. What is the difference between a Direct Client of First Sentier vs Distributor Client?
Distributor Client
- If you have invested into our funds through a Distributor using CPF/SRS monies, you are classified as a Distributor Client.
- At the point of onboarding, your Distributor would have obtained all relevant information pertaining to you in line with the regulatory requirements around “Know Your Client” and other necessary checks.
- All *transaction instructions and change of personal details should be submitted to your Distributor, so that they can perform the necessary customer due diligence checks before accepting your instruction(s).
- Your distributor will liaise with First Sentier to process your transaction instruction or to update your personal details in our fund register as per your requirements.
Direct Client
- If you have invested into the funds directly with First Sentier, you are classified as a #Direct Client.
- All *transaction instructions and change of personal details should be submitted to First Sentier directly, so that we can perform the necessary customer due diligence checks before accepting your instruction(s).
- We will also perform periodic ongoing customer due diligence on your account and collect necessary identification document(s) from you such as Singapore NRIC, latest passport and address proof in line with regulatory requirements.
*Examples: Subscription / redemption / change of address, etc.
#We do not take in any more direct investor. If you are interested in our funds, please approach our Distributor.
Update of address
Q3. I would like to update my address. What is the procedure?
1Distributor Client
- If you have invested into our funds through a Distributor (e.g. DBS Bank Ltd, United Overseas Bank Ltd, Standard Chartered Bank, etc) using CPF/SRS monies, please complete this form.
- The name of your Distributor is indicated on the regular Statement of Account sent to you.
- Your record will be updated within 5 business days upon confirmation from your Distributor to proceed.
- Please also inform your Distributor on the change to avoid delay.
1Direct Client
- If you have invested into the funds directly with First Sentier, please complete the Contact Us form so that we can assist you with your change of address request. Note that you may be required to submit supporting documents.
1Refer to Q2 to understand the difference between Distributor Client and Direct Client.
Q4. How do I redeem/sell my units?
1Distributor Client
- If you have invested into our funds through a Distributor (e.g. DBS Bank Ltd, United Overseas Bank Ltd, Standard Chartered Bank, etc) using CPF/SRS monies, please contact your Distributor to assist you with the redemption.
- The name of your Distributor is indicated on the regular Statement of Account sent to you.
- Please bring a copy of our FSI statement of account and your NRIC when visiting a distributor branch.
1Direct Client
- If you have invested into the funds directly with First Sentier, please complete this form.
- Please refer to the form for the required supporting documents for redemption.
- Please refer to the Terms and Conditions page on the procedure to submit your redemption form and supporting documents.
1Refer to Q2 to understand the difference between Distributor Client and Direct Client.
Fund prices / Dividend information
Q5. Where can I access the latest or historical prices, performance and dividend distributions of the funds?
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