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Stewart Investors manage investment portfolios on behalf of our clients over the long term and have held shares in some companies for over 20 years. They launched their first investment strategy in 1988.
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Our funds
We ask more questions
First Sentier Investors is a global asset manager with a client base that extends across Asia, Australia, Europe and North America.
Driven by curiosity, we invest US$134.9 billion^ across equities, cash and fixed income, infrastructure, property and alternative credit. Because we ask more questions, we see around more corners and better protect client capital.
^ Assets under management (AUM) includes all assets managed by FSI’s investment teams and affiliates as at 31 Dec 2024.
Our investment strategies
First Sentier Investors accesses a global opportunity set based on the assets you see and use every day, with the on-the-ground research and skill of specialist investors
Global Listed Infrastructure
Journey through our world of toll roads, wind farms and pipelines.
Global Property
We see growth in the trends redefining the way we live and work.
A regional fixed income and cash specialist that systematically shares investment ideas uncovered across developed and emerging markets.
Asian Fixed Income
Look under the hood of the world’s economic engine.
Actively managed allocation to fixed income and equities, all in a single strategy
Balanced-Asia Pacific
An opportunity to invest in the world’s economic engine room.
Ride global structural trends with a global allocation into high quality companies and debt securities.
Who we are
Find out more about First Sentier Investors and our independently branded investment managers
Responsible Investment
Signatory of the UN Principles of Responsible Investment (PRI) for over a decade. Find out how this commitment translates to action
First Sentier Investors became a Certified B Corporation in November 2022 with a score = 107.2, noting that the passing score is 80. Please visit the B Corp Directory to view our report and for additional information regarding the assessment process.
Investment involves risks. Past performance is not indicative of future performance. Refer to the offering documents of the respective funds for details, including risk factors. Investors may not get back the full amount invested.
This website is issued by First Sentier Investors (Singapore) whose company registration number is 196900420D and has not been reviewed by the Monetary Authority of Singapore. First Sentier Investors (registration number 53236800B), FSSA Investment Managers (registration number 53314080C), Igneo Infrastructure Partners (registration number 53447928J), RQI Investors (registration number 53472532E) and Stewart Investors (registration number 53310114W) are business divisions of First Sentier Investors (Singapore).
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