
Specialist in Asia Pacific, China, India and South East Asia and Global Emerging Market equities.

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Stewart Investors manage investment portfolios on behalf of our clients over the long term and have held shares in some companies for over 20 years. They launched their first investment strategy in 1988.

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Balanced - Asia Pacific

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Key Facts


SUT represents Singapore Unit Trust fund range

With effect from 22 September 2020, First State Investments was rebranded to First Sentier Investors. The names of the funds were also rebranded, please view the full list of the fund name changes: First Sentier Investors Global Growth Funds (Singapore Unit Trust / Authorized Scheme) / First Sentier Investors Global Umbrella Fund (IRISH VCC / Recognized Scheme).

Fund performance data is sourced from First Sentier Investors. Single pricing basis with net income reinvested. The above performance data is provided for information only and does not contain or constitute investment advice. A copy of the Prospectus is available and may be obtained from the Manager, First Sentier Investors (Singapore), or any of our distributors. Investors should read the Prospectus and consult a financial adviser before deciding to make any investment. In the event of discrepancies between the marketing materials and the Prospectus, the Prospectus shall prevail. The value of the Fund and the income from them, if any, may fall or rise. Past performance of the Fund or the Manager and any economic and market trends or forecast, is not indicative of the future or likely performance of the Fund or the Manager. Neither the Manager, nor any of its associates, nor any director, or employee accepts any liability for any loss arising directly or indirectly from any use of this information. Units are not available to U.S. persons.

Asia Pacific

Tap into Asia’s growth story

Invest in the world’s growth engine

Having witnessed an unrivalled transformation and expansion over the last decade, we believe the Asian market will be the economic engine of the world.

Managed by highly experienced and well-resourced investment teams, with an absolute return mindset, a focus on long-term investing and robust risk management. We target a disciplined 50:50 allocation into equities and fixed income, actively rebalancing when the exposure to each asset class exceeds 60% at any time.


Why invest in the First Sentier Bridge Fund ?

  • Asia continues to be the engine of global growth and offers attractive investment opportunities in both equity and fixed income markets. 

  • Active rebalancing takes the guesswork out of investing, minimising risk of missing the opportune time.

  • A disciplined approach is key to achieving consistent investment outcomes by focusing on long-term structural trends and ignoring short-term market noises.

  • Managed by highly experienced and well-resourced investment teams, with an absolute return mindset, a focus on long-term investing and robust risk management.