Mark Steinberg
CEO of First Sentier Investors
Responsible investment principles underpin our investment approach
We want to help to build a sustainable economy and society. We see a sustainable economy as one that supports economic growth but not at the expense of the environmental or people.
We aim to collaborate with our clients, competitors and other groups such as policy makers and non-government organisations. We join industry forums, we talk to the companies we invest in about important issues affecting their business and customers. We provide suggestions to regulators and policy makers, and we publish research on topics related to responsible investment.
At the firm level we are currently focused on the following four key issues: climate change; human rights and modern slavery; diversity equity and inclusion; and nature and biodiversity.
As long-term investors, we know that the decisions we make can have an impact on the world around us today, tomorrow and years from now. Our reports on Responsible Investment and Stewardship provide details about how we think about these issues, and how we take action through our investment processes.
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