
Specialist in Asia Pacific, Japan, China, India and South East Asia and Global Emerging Market equities.

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Specialists in equity portfolios in Asia Pacific, emerging markets, global and sustainable investment strategies

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This is a financial promotion for The First Sentier Global Property Securities Strategy. This information is for investors in the UK and elsewhere where lawful. Investing involves certain risks including:

  • The value of investments and any income from them may go down as well as up and are not guaranteed. Investors may get back significantly less than the original amount invested.
  • Currency risk: Changes in exchange rates will affect the value of assets which are denominated in other currencies.
  • Single sector risk: Investing in a single sector may be riskier than investing in a number of different sectors. Investing in a larger number of sectors helps spread risk.
  • Single country / specific region risk: Investing in a single country or specific region may be riskier than investing in a number of different countries or regions. Investing in a larger number of countries or regions helps spread risk.
  • Charges to capital risk: The fees and expenses may be charged against the capital property. Deducting expenses from capital reduces the potential for capital growth.
  • Property securities risk: Investments are made in the shares of companies that are involved in property (like real estate investment trusts) rather than property itself. The value of these investments may fluctuate more than actual property.
  • Emerging market risk: Emerging markets may not provide the same level of investor protection as a developed market; they may involve a higher risk than investing in developed markets.


For details of the FCA authorised firms issuing this information and any strategies referred to, please see Terms and Conditions and Important Information below

For a full description of the terms of investment and the risks please see the Prospectus and Key Investor Information Document for each strategy.

If you are in any doubt as to the suitability of our strategies for your investment needs, please seek investment advice.

Global Property Securities

Global Property Securities

Prices & performance
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Strategy Overview

Key Facts


Global property opportunities are built on solid ESG foundations

Affirming our intention to implement net zero1 in our investment portfolio has further deepened our understanding of the global property securities sector we invest in. Our continuous focus on in-depth, in-house research means we can see things differently, which has led to discoveries into new risks and opportunities. We always focus on preserving the money of your investment, with a preference for allocating your investment to well managed assets in high barrier to entry markets in many of the world’s most dynamic cities.

Total portfolio net zero carbon emissions overlay

To get the full picture of the risks and opportunities, investors need to look how companies are identifying, measuring, addressing, reducing, renewing and supplementing their carbon reduction and renewable energy ambitions, not just how they operate their assets. Putting carbon measurement and Environmental, Social and Governance factors at the centre of our process for analysing companies ensures the full picture is apparent when it comes to valuing companies and deploying capital in this segment. 

“We believe the meticulous understanding of the global property securities sector we have garnered over many years has facilitated our in-depth ESG analysis”

Stephen Hayes

Head of Global Property Securities

Why invest with us?

Diversified Exposure

Share price returns in real estate are driven by a combination of fundamental economic and financial factors at a local real estate level as well as broader market conditions. Due to the fundamentally localised nature of real estate, returns from property across different regions have historically been characterised by a lack of uniformity. This phenomenon can lead to pricing anomalies - presenting opportunities to generate excess returns.

Our portfolio can provide access to these property assets

Central business district and suburban office buildings

Super-regional / regional / sub-regional and convenience shopping centres

Logistical warehousing




Data centres

Retirement assets

Residential investment and development

Global team – local experts

We believe that having specialist property investors in each region is the most effective way to manage a global property securities portfolio.

As such, the team’s highly experienced regional specialists are based across the world’s major property markets to provide on-the-ground research and knowledge that allows them to assess the risks and opportunities in the asset class.

Under the leadership of Stephen Hayes, the global property securities team consists of seven portfolio managers and three analysts, all of whom are focused solely on investing in publicly traded realestate securities.

They have a full understanding of stock specific risks, wider real estate market and the conditions of the entire economy that can influence returns.

Case study

Data centres - tapping internet growth via listed property

Investing in listed property companies that own data centres - the specialist buildings which house the infrastructure required to power modern internet usage – gives investors access to one of the greatest structural shifts in the property sector of our time.

Reliable data centres are expensive to build which means that the supply of new centres is well controlled. A turn-key data centre4 in the US can cost twice as much as an office tower to build.

This cost reflects the highly specified plant and equipment required for the data centre to have virtually no risk of down time in operations.

Data centres have a wide range of business models appealing to a diverse range of customers - from governments to telecommunication companies to vast internet-centric firms.

With the industry’s high rate of adoption of the internet, together with the large growth in cloud computing, data centres with the right business model can deliver high cash flows well into the future.



Liquidity refers to the speed and ease with which financial assets can be sold in the market without dramatically affecting the price. Highly liquid assets are quickly sold with little-to-no price impact; highly illiquid assets may take a long time to sell and their prices can change significantly.

1 Cutting greenhouse gas emissions to as close to zero as possible, with any remaining emissions re-absorbed from the atmosphere, by oceans and forests for instance. Source: United Nations

2 The high start-up costs or other obstacles that prevent new competitors from easily entering an industry or area of business.

3 Anomalies refer to situations when a share or stock or group of share or stock performs contrary to the price expected in an efficient market. A pricing anomaly is when the price of a share or stock differs from the price predicted by a model.

4 A data center that is designed, supplied, built, or installed fully complete and ready to operate.

Meet the investment team

Stephen Hayes

Head of Global Property Securities

Andrew Schaffer

Senior Portfolio Manager

Dennis Maloney

Senior Portfolio Manager

Daniela Lungu

Senior Portfolio Manager