
At AlbaCore, we focus on the long-term. As one of Europe’s leading alternative credit specialists, we invest in private capital solutions, opportunistic and dislocated credit, and structured products. 

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formerly Realindex Investments

Leader in active quantitative equities across Australian equities, global equities, emerging markets and global small companies.

Backed by a unique blend of research, portfolio construction and risk management, focused on uncovering original insights and translating them into investment strategies that are active and systematic, aiming to generate alpha.

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表示 1 - 21 / 21 検索結果

The portfolio managers are supported by a large group of equity analysts with a proven track record of fundamental bottom-up stock research.
From growing companies to up-and-coming names, our range of active, research-driven approaches to the Australian share market aim to deliver above market returns over the long term.
The Australian Equities Growth team provides a suite of products, including broad based, small cap, imputation, concentrated and geared funds. We believe growing companies, which generate consistent returns and can reinvest above their cost of capital, provide the greatest shareholder value
Today, Realindex Investments, an active quantitative equities manager within the First Sentier Investors Group, will be known as RQI Investors. Coinciding with the investment manager’s 15-year anniversary, this name change is the first undertaken since RQI Investors was founded in 2008 and will be accompanied by a new logo and visual identity.
Find out how our seven fixed income investment specialists can help diversity your portfolio and and deliver a higher yield than bank deposits alone.
We consider ESG risks to be factors that may place business value at risk. Companies at risk are identified using both external providers and our own internally driven research, which is based on a systematic and extensive company meeting program.
We consider ESG risks to be factors that may place business value at risk. Companies at risk are identified using both external providers and our own internally driven research, which is based on a systematic and extensive company meeting program.
We are entering a new era. The year 2024 will be unpredictable and clouded by many uncertainties. It will be marked by geopolitical risks, the ongoing taming of the inflation beast, and how the US Presidential election will impact markets.
Discover how our equity managers with one of Australia's longest track records provide capital and income growth by investing in the Australian share market.
Discover how our equity managers with one of Australia's longest track records provide capital and income growth by investing in the Australian share market.
RQI Investors’ quantitative value strategies have a long history of outperformance versus peers and value indices. Our disciplined, highly active, and repeatable value investing process provides investors with a benchmark unaware, diversified equity portfolio that is cost competitive versus fundamental active stock pickers.
Diversified Alpha is a core systematic strategy designed to deliver consistent, risk-adjusted returns above the benchmark, with Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) considerations embedded into the process.
ファーストステート・インベストメンツは新たなブランドであるファースト・センティア・インベスターズになります。 これまでもリサーチ重視のアクティブ運用会社としての実績を積み上げてきましたが、これからもあくなき探求心とみなぎる活力をもって、お客様のために継続的かつ長期的な実績を達成すべく、新たな道を歩み続けます。 ※ 「センティア」は「道すじ・道程」を意味するフランス語です。
It has been 40 years since Mr Deng Xiaoping embarked on his ambitious market-based reform program and began to open up China’s economy. Since then, China has been transformed; while there have been stops and starts on the way, China was one of the fastest-growing countries in the world over the past four decades, averaging 10% growth a year.
Over the last few years, valuations have generally become expensive in our universe of quality companies. Valuations reaching these levels remind me of the mistakes I made running into the 2008 crash.
Insulation from the effects of inflation is a key objective for many investors. Many pension and sovereign wealth funds specifically target long-term returns of CPI (Consumer Price Index) plus 5%.
Familiar challenges remain in 2020. On the one hand, manufacturing activity and global trade has slowed substantially and expected returns are relatively low across asset classes.
“ Failure is so important. We speak about success all the time. It is the ability to resist failure or use failure that often leads to greater success. ” J.K. Rowling
We consider ESG risks to be factors that may place business value at risk. Companies at risk are identified using both external providers and our own internally driven research, which is based on a systematic and extensive company meeting program.
I hope that you have enjoyed the 2016 Travelling Economist series covering Japan and the US - two of the world’s most important economies and financial markets.