The latest instalment from our Infrastructure Travel Diary comes from Andrew Greenup, Deputy Head of Global Listed Infrastructure. View for more details.


Andrew Greenup, Deputy Head of Global Listed Infrastructure has recently returned from Europe after two weeks on planes, trains and automobiles. He visited infrastructure companies, assets, analysts and investors in London, Paris, Madrid and Edinburgh. He also attended a Latam investment conference while in London.

In this travel diary, Andrew shares his learnings on the toll roads, Eurotunnel and airport sectors. Some of his key points include: 

  • Toll road traffic appears to have started 2016 strongly. Spain and, to a lesser degree, France are performing ahead of my expectations.
  • Eurotunnel is a unique infrastructure asset, part toll road and part railway. The company has a concession which lasts until 2086 to operate three 50km tunnels (two single track railway tunnels and one service tunnel) under the English Channel between Folkestone and Calais.
  • Over the past year, traffic and reported earnings from airports around the globe have surprised on the upside despite ordinary economic growth.


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