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  • First Sentier Investors bolsters RI and Corporate Sustainability capabilities with three new appointments

First Sentier Investors bolsters RI and Corporate Sustainability capabilities with three new appointments

Wednesday, 16 March 2022: Leading global asset manager, First Sentier Investors (FSI), has strengthened its responsible investment (RI) and corporate sustainability capabilities with three new appointments.

  • Joanne Lee has been appointed to the role of Responsible Investment Specialist. Lee joins the firm’s RI team headed by London-based Global Head of Responsible Investment, Will Oulton. Lee is based in Hong Kong and will be responsible for the delivery and promotion of the firm’s RI strategy and credentials in Asia. Lee will play an integral role in supporting FSI’s investment teams and working with its clients and other stakeholders in the region. Lee most recently held a Technical Specialist role in the Sustainable Finance team at leading global non-government organisation, WWF International, where she led research projects and produced technical guidance on a range of topics including environmental, social and governance (ESG) integration, nature-related risks, net zero climate alignment, the blue economy and sustainable infrastructure finance. 
  • Rebecca Antonini has been appointed to the newly-created position of Head of Corporate Sustainability. In this role, Antonini will deliver and execute on a global strategy to effectively manage the firm’s ESG impacts. She will report to Chief Financial and Strategy Officer, Suzanne Evans, and work alongside the RI team to ensure the business is operating to internationally-accepted best practice standards of sustainability. London-based Antonini brings a unique combination of sustainability and corporate knowledge to the role. She has been with the firm for 15 years, having worked in multiple regions including Australia, Asia and the United Kingdom, in senior Human Resources, governance, change management and project roles. 
  • Cressida Grant has been appointed to Head of Corporate Philanthropy. London-based Grant will report to Antonini in the Corporate Sustainability function and lead on the development of the firm’s global philanthropic strategy. Grant previously held the role of Head of Philanthropy at The Prince’s Trust, where she managed relationships with ultra-high net worth donors, established the Prince’s Trust in the US and created a new fundraising stream to engage with the next generation of donors. Prior to this, Grant developed and managed the Stonehage Fleming Charitable Foundation, where she was responsible for developing and managing their philanthropic strategy. 

FSI Chief Executive Officer Mark Steinberg welcomed the new appointments to the global business. 

“Joanne’s appointment supports the investment teams’ commitment to incorporating ESG principles across their processes and strategies. This is central to their investment approach, and underpins our corporate identity.

“We also believe acting responsibly as a business is in the best interest of our clients, and enables us to support our key stakeholder groups including our employees, wider society and our shareholder. Increasingly, corporates are also being assessed and held to account for their business practices and social impacts and how these are aligned with stated responsible investment principles,” Steinberg said.

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Media enquiries

Gladys Tang, Senior Communications Manager

E: [email protected]

T: +852 2846 7561

M: +852 6392 6580


About First Sentier Investors

First Sentier Investors manages US$182.5 billion in assets (as at 31 December 2021) on behalf of institutional investors, pension funds, wholesale distributors, investment platforms, financial advisers and their clients worldwide.

The firm operates as a standalone global investment management business with offices across Europe, the Americas, and Asia Pacific. First Sentier Investors’ expertise spans a range of asset classes and specialist investment sectors focused on delivering sustainable investment success based on responsible investment principles.

Formerly known as First State Investments, the firm was acquired by Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, Inc in August 2019.

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