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This is a financial promotion for The First Sentier Global Listed Infrastructure Fund. This information is for professional clients only in the UK and elsewhere where lawful. Investing involves certain risks including:

  • The value of investments and any income from them may go down as well as up and are not guaranteed. Investors may get back significantly less than the original amount invested.
  • Currency risk: the Fund invests in assets which are denominated in other currencies; changes in exchange rates will affect the value of the Fund and could create losses. Currency control decisions made by governments could affect the value of the Fund's investments and could cause the Fund to defer or suspend redemptions of its shares.
  • Single sector risk: investing in a single economic sector may be riskier than investing in a number of different sectors. Investing in a larger number of sectors helps to spread risk.
  • Listed infrastructure risk: the infrastructure sector and the value of the Fund is particularly affected by factors such as natural disasters, operational disruption and national and local environmental laws.
  • Concentration risk: the Fund invests in a relatively small number of companies which may be riskier than a fund that invests in a large number of companies.
  • Emerging market risk: Emerging markets tend to be more sensitive to economic and political conditions than developed markets. Other factors include greater liquidity risk, restrictions on investment or transfer of assets, failed/delayed settlement and difficulties valuing securities.

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Global Listed Infrastructure - Quarterly Update - Q3 2022

Global Listed Infrastructure - Quarterly Update - Q3 2022

Market insights

Mounting concerns for higher interest rates caused turbulence in financial markets during the September quarter. The Fund returned +1.6% after fees1, compared with a fall of -1.0% for its benchmark index. Global equities ended the quarter +2.1% higher.

In August, the US Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 (IRA) was signed into law. The IRA includes a broad range of measures in support of renewables and low carbon energy sources; notably new or extended tax credits for wind and solar, battery storage, electric vehicles, hydrogen, and nuclear power. These have positive implications for the global listed infrastructure asset class, particularly US utilities.

Fund performance

Annual Performance (% in GBP) to 30 September 2022

These figures refer to the past. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results. For investors based in countries with currencies other than the base currency of the share class, the return may increase or decrease as a result of currency fluctuations.

Performance data calculated since the launch date. Performance data is calculated on a net basis by deducting fees incurred at fund level (e.g. the management and administration fee) and other costs charged to the fund (e.g. transaction and custody costs), save that it does not take account of initial charges or switching fees (if any). Income reinvested is included on a net of tax basis. First Sentier Global Listed Infrastructure Fund, Class B (Accumulation) GBP shares. Benchmark is the FTSE Global Core Infra 50/50 TR Index from 1 April 2015, prev. UBS Global Infra & Utilities 50/50 TR Index. ^MSCI World Index (GBP) is provided for information purposes only. Index returns are net of tax. Data to 30 September 2022. Source: First Sentier Investors UK Funds Limited/Lipper IM.

Sector and region performance

The Energy Midstream sector performed relatively well, aided by strong performance from US operators with exposure to Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) export markets. Japanese passenger rail stocks gained as travel restrictions into the country were eased. Airports also fared reasonably well, as June quarter earnings numbers highlighted positive operating leverage to improving passenger volumes. 

However the interest rate sensitive Towers / DCs and Water / Waste sectors underperformed. During the September quarter the US 10-year bond yield increased from 3.0% to 3.8% - its highest level in over a decade. 

Portfolio activity

ENN Energy, a Chinese gas utility run by an experienced and well regarded management team, was added to the portfolio. The Chinese gas distribution market is on a structural growth trajectory, underpinned by a national clean energy drive and an increasing urbanisation rate. Against this supportive backdrop, ENN has demonstrated an ability to expand its high return business model across China. 

UK water utility Severn Trent was divested after the stock traded up to valuation multiples where limited mispricing was evident; and on concerns that the current regulatory review process for UK water companies may affect sentiment towards the sector in coming months.

Market outlook

The Fund invests in a range of global listed infrastructure assets including toll roads, airports, railroads, utilities and renewables, energy midstream, wireless towers and data centres. These sectors share common characteristics, like barriers to entry and pricing power, which can provide investors with inflation-protected income and strong capital growth over the medium-term.

Toll roads represent the portfolio’s largest sector overweight, via positions in European, Asia Pacific and Latin American operators. We believe these companies represent exceptional value at current levels, with traffic volumes (particularly car traffic) likely to prove resilient if economic conditions deteriorate. Toll roads are also likely to fare relatively well in a higher inflation environment. Many toll roads have concession agreements that specify how prices can be increased, with an option to follow the inflation rate or an agreed percentage – whichever is higher.  

A substantial portion of the portfolio is invested in Utilities / Renewables. The Fund’s focus is on companies with the scope to derive steady, low risk earnings growth by replacing old fossil fuel power plants with renewables, and by upgrading and expanding the networks needed to connect these new power sources to the end user. 

The portfolio is underweight Towers / DCs. We still expect the sector to be a beneficiary of structural growth in demand for mobile data, and for earnings to prove relatively resilient in the event of a slowing economy. However, further interest rate rises could represent a headwind to valuation multiples in the near term, and to interest expense in the medium term. Underweight exposure to the Energy Midstream sector has been maintained. Strong gains across the sector have moved these stocks to lower rankings within our investment process; and we remain conscious of the structural headwinds that Net Zero initiatives may present to these stocks.

Performance is based on OEIC B Acc share class, net of fees, expressed in GBP.
All stock and sector performance data expressed in local currency terms. Source: Bloomberg.

Important Information

This document has been prepared for informational purposes only and is only intended to provide a summary of the subject matter covered and does not purport to be comprehensive. The views expressed are the views of the writer at the time of issue and may change over time. It does not constitute investment advice and/or a recommendation and should not be used as the basis of any investment decision. This document is not an offer document and does not constitute an offer or invitation or investment recommendation to distribute or purchase securities, shares, units or other interests or to enter into an investment agreement. No person should rely on the content and/or act on the basis of any material contained in this document.

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References to “we” or “us” are references to First Sentier Investors.

In the UK, issued by First Sentier Investors (UK) Funds Limited which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (registration number 143359). Registered office Finsbury Circus House, 15 Finsbury Circus, London, EC2M 7EB number 2294743. Outside the UK and the EEA, issued by First Sentier Investors International IM Limited which is authorised and regulated in the UK by the Financial Conduct Authority (registered number 122512). Registered office: 23 St. Andrew Square, Edinburgh, EH2 1BB number SCO79063.

Certain funds referred to in this document are identified as sub-funds of First Sentier Investors ICVC, an open ended investment company registered in England and Wales (“OEIC”). Following the UK departure from the European Union, the OEIC has ceased to qualify as a UCITS scheme and is instead an Alternative Investment Fund (“AIF”) for European Union purposes under the terms of the Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive (2011/61/EU). Accordingly, no marketing activities relating to the OEIC are being carried-out by First Sentier Investors in the European Union (or the additional EEA states) and the OEIC is not available for distribution in those jurisdictions. This document does not constitute an offer or invitation or investment recommendation to distribute or purchase shares in the OEIC in the European Union (or the additional EEA states). Further information is contained in the Prospectus and Key Investor Information Documents of the OEIC which are available free of charge by writing to: Client Services, First Sentier Investors (UK) Funds Limited, PO Box 404, Darlington, DL1 9UZ or by telephoning 0800 587 4141 between 9am and 5pm Monday to Friday or by visiting Telephone calls may be recorded. The distribution or purchase of shares in the funds, or entering into an investment agreement with First Sentier Investors may be restricted in certain jurisdictions.

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